Ecological Characterization of Steppe Formations in the Naama Region (Western Algeria)


Hafidha Boucherit,Abdelkrim Benaradj,Said Bouarfa,Djamel Anteur


The steppe space of Naâma covers an appreciable pastoral area of 3 million ha (i.e., more than 74% of the area of the wilaya). It is essentially characterized by plant formations that are very diversified by the abundance of bunchgrasses, a shrub layer (chamephytes), and an herbaceous layer including therophytes (annual species). This space is mainly made up of alfa pastures (Stipa tenacissima), spartan pastures (Lygeum spartum), psammophytic pastures in Drinn (Stipagrostis pungens), and bushy steppe pastures with Remth (Hammada scoparia). This chapter consists of an ecological characterization of steppe groups in the South Oran region of Naama with the aim of better understanding the dynamics of vegetation and better understanding the ecological factors that govern these plant formations.



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