Al-Rizzo Hussain,A. Isaac Ayman,Z. Tariq Sulaiman,Yahya Samer
This chapter introduces a novel design concept to reduce mutual coupling among closely-spaced antenna elements of a MIMO array. This design concept significantly reduces the complexity of traditional/existing design approaches such as metamaterials, defected ground plane structures, soft electromagnetic surfaces, parasitic elements, matching and decoupling networks using a simple, yet a novel design alternative. The approach is based on a planar single decoupling element, consisting of a rectangular metallic ring resonator printed on one face of an ungrounded substrate. The decoupling structure surrounds a two-element vertical monopole antenna array fed by a coplanar waveguide structure. The design is shown both by simulations and measurements to reduce the mutual coupling by at least 20 dB, maintain the impedance bandwidth over which S11, is less than −10 dB, and reduce the envelope correlation coefficient to below 0.001. The boresight of the far-field radiation patterns of the two vertical monopole wire antennas operating at 2.4 GHz and separated by 8 mm (λo/16), where λo is the free-space wavelength at 2.45 GHz, is shown to be orthogonal and inclined by 45° with respect to the horizontal (azimuthal) plane while maintaining the shape of the isolated single antenna element.
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