Development of a Risk Management Model by the Fuzzy DEMATEL Method in the Evaluation of Authorized Certification Bodies


Akçay Zileli Yaprak


The concept of risk, which has been seen as a danger for many years, has started to be seen as an opportunity today, and with this approach, risks have also begun to be considered as opportunities that can facilitate reaching goals. For these reasons, it is gaining importance day by day for businesses to adopt an effective risk management approach, to identify risks, to determine the degree of importance of risks and to define the actions that can be taken against these risks. Within the scope of this section, the possible risks in the activities of the certification bodies authorized by Vocational Qualification Authority operating in Turkey to conduct assessment and certification in order to determine vocational competencies were determined, and the Fuzzy DEMATEL method, which is one of the Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods, was used to determine the weights of the risks. A new risk management model has been designed to be used in the evaluation and management of possible risks of organizations by using the weights obtained was designed for the assessment and management of risks.



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