Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Impact on Aspirin Response


Aftab Siddiqui Mohd,Jain Charul,Usmani Afreen,Hafeez Abdul,Khalid Mohammad,Mujahid Mohd


Aspirin, or Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is renowned for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Recent insights have illuminated its mechanisms and potential applications. Notably, low-dose aspirin reduces heart attack and stroke risks, particularly in high-risk individuals, yet optimal dosing remains under investigation. Another area explores aspirin’s potential in cancer prevention, especially for colon and gastrointestinal cancers, along with emerging roles against conditions like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. Aspirin’s benefits extend to kidney disease and COVID-19 research due to its anti-inflammatory actions. Stem cell effects are diverse; while enhancing hematopoietic stem cells aids bone marrow transplants, it may inhibit embryonic stem cells in specific contexts. However, challenges encompass resistance, allergies, gastrointestinal effects, and pediatric Reye’s syndrome. Pharmacogenetic studies illuminate how genetic variations impact aspirin metabolism, with enzymes like CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 affecting clearance rates, and markers such as P2RY12 and COX-1 influencing antiplatelet responses. Customized aspirin therapy, guided by genetic profiles, optimizes benefits and minimizes risks. This research underpins personalized medicine, empowering clinicians to enhance treatment precision, efficacy, and safety. As aspirin’s complex advantages and challenges continue to unfold, refined therapeutic strategies will emerge.



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