Physical and Mechanical Properties of Herrnholz Granite: An Ideal Experimental Material


Li Ying,Wu Rui


Granite, as the most common plutonic rock of the Earth’s crust and the most widely used paving block and building stone in industrial activities, has been widely employed in experimental investigations on its chemical composition, physical properties, and mechanical responses. This chapter focuses on the physical and mechanical properties of Herrnholz granite while emphasizing that it is an ideal experimental material for its homogeneity and fine-grained nature. Among the properties discussed here are density, porosity, pore size distribution, ultrasonic wave velocities, strength, fracture toughness, and hydroscopic/hygroscopic properties. Preliminary laboratory data sets to reveal relationships between the hygroscopic properties and mesoporous character of the Herrnholz granite as a result of water adsorption on internal fabric elements, such as pores, and microcracks.



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