Need for Enriching School Principal Training Programs in Light of Total Quality Management - A Case of Turkey


Şenol Hülya,Işiktaş Serdal


School principals are expected to carry out many duties such as realizing the strategic aims, mission, and vision of the schools, maximizing school performance, maintaining discipline in schools and have many skills and knowledge in management processes. In preschool settings, principals need more training and have understanding of early child education because they have influence on teachers, students, and school context. That’s why quality of principal training programs is very crucial for school progression. This research aimed to determine and analyze the principal qualification requirements of preschools in Turkey. The results of this research will help universities to enrich their education management master and PhD degree programs and contribute to the General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development in Turkey during the organization process of the Education Management Certificate Program to meet the principal qualification requirements of preschools.



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