Manuel Velazquez Arcos Juan,Teodoro Paez Hernandez Ricardo,Perez Ricardez Alejandro,Granados Samaniego Jaime,Cid Reborido Alicia
We devote the current chapter to describe a class of integral operators with properties equivalent to a killer operator of the quantum mechanics theory acting over a determined state, literally killing the state but now operating over some kind of Fourier integral transforms that satisfies a certain Fredholm integral equation, we call this operators Zap Integral Operators (ZIO). The result of this action is to eliminate the inhomogeneous term and recover a homogeneous integral equation. We show that thanks to this class of operators we can explain the presence of two extremely different solutions of the same Generalized Inhomogeneous Fredholm equation. So we can regard the Generalized Inhomogeneous Fredholm Equation as a Super-Equation with two kinds of solutions, the resonant and the conventional but coexisting simultaneously. Also, we remember the generalized projection operators and we show they are the precursors of the ZIO. We present simultaneous academic examples for both kinds of solutions.
Reference15 articles.
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