Multilingual Chatbots to Collect Patient-Reported Outcomes


Rojc Matej,Ariöz Umut,Šafran Valentino,Mlakar Izidor


With spoken language interfaces, chatbots, and enablers, the conversational intelligence became an emerging field of research in man-machine interfaces in several target domains. In this paper, we introduce the multilingual conversational chatbot platform that integrates Open Health Connect platform and mHealth application together with multimodal services in order to deliver advanced 3D embodied conversational agents. The platform enables novel human-machine interaction with the cancer survivors in six different languages. The platform also integrates patients’ reported information as patients gather health data into digital clinical records. Further, the conversational agents have the potential to play a significant role in healthcare, from assistants during clinical consultations, to supporting positive behavior changes, or as assistants in living environments helping with daily tasks and activities.



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