Anxiety, Depression, and Delirium in Terminally Ill Cancer Patient


Villa García Ugarte Susana,Enrique Miranda Calderón Luis


Most terminally ill cancer patients present some degree of anxiety, depression, or delirium. In many cases family concerns, the prognosis of the disease, the type of treatment, and its adverse effects aggravate these emotional symptoms to the point of turning them into severe affective disorders which severely complicate their emotional state, their physical condition and their disposition and response to treatment. Although these are high prevalence disorders in terminally ill cancer patients, they often go undiagnosed and therefore do not receive treatment. An early diagnosis and adequate treatment, that includes emotional accompaniment, can greatly help to maintain the quality of life or even improve it and make these patients and their families move in a dignified way toward death. The scope of this chapter is to establish the presence of anxiety, depression and delirium in terminally ill cancer patients through scientific evidence; review the opinion of experts in the field on the most appropriate treatment, and the influence on the beneficial impact of interventions with family members or support people to ensure a more positive approach to the circumstances of these patients and serve as support for the treatment of medical personnel.



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