The Importance of Maxillary Sinuses in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Procedures


Gocmen Gokhan,Bayram Ferit,Ates Ozan


Oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures, such as tooth extractions, surgical treatment of odontogenic maxillary sinus pathologies, dental implant surgery, orthognathic surgery, and sinus lift procedures, often correlate with the maxillary sinuses, due to anatomical proximity. For instance, in Le Fort I osteotomy, which is the predominant surgical technique preferred for the treatment of dentofacial deformities of the maxilla, the osteotomy line includes maxillary sinus and nasal walls. Maxillary sinus-lifting surgery is performed to regenerate bone in the posterior maxilla for dental implant placement. Additionally, maxillary sinus pathologies of odontogenic origin, such as sinusitis, cysts, and neoplasms, can impact the oral and maxillofacial region, and surgical intervention may be required to manage these conditions. Proper diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical techniques are essential to optimize patient outcomes and minimize complications related to the maxillary sinuses in oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures.



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