Messnarz Richard,Aschbacher Laura,Ekert Damjan,Danmayr Tobias,Zelmenis Mikus
TIMS (Training in Innovation Management System for Sustainable SMEs) is an EU Erasmus+ project which analyzed the ISO (International Standardisation Organisation) 56000 innovation management system norm parts and configured in 2022 an ISO 56000-based innovation assessment portal. This system allows self-assessment, independent expert assessment, and benchmarking for innovation management. In 2023, a competence matrix and related training materials to support the implementation of ISO 56000 is developed. The ISO 56000-based assessment tool applied ISO 33020 for process capability assessment for ISO 56000 and this allows us to determine the capability of ISO 56000 processes. This paper gives an overview of which processes have been derived from ISO 56000 and how the PAM (Innovation Process Assessment Model) is structured. Since ISO 33020 provides a standard method to determine process attributes and capability level profiles of innovation management system processes, the method also allows a Europe (and worldwide) benchmarking of the capability of innovation management systems. The objective of TIMS is to establish an assessment system and training to roll out ISO 56000 to the European industry. The tools and training materials will be used by universities in lecturing programs and by innovation agents in the industry.
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