Impact of Biological Factors Related to Maternal Aging: Risk of Childbirth with Down Syndrome


Kumar Dey Subrata,Bhaumik Pranami,Bhattacharya Mandar


Maternal aging and different biological factors play an important role in the birth of Down syndrome baby. Hormones play a crucial role for the maintenance of female sex cycle and oocyte maturation. Disparity in the level of these hormones during menstrual cycle has profound effect on female reproductive system. Hormonal imbalance also affects meiotic process and integrity of spindle structure and leads to nondisjunction of chromosome. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) play a crucial role in ovarian aging and nondisjunction of chromosomes. FSH stands as a hormonal indicator for ovarian aging, and its high level is responsible for aneuploid birth. Advanced chronological age of mother, ovarian aging, environmental factors and accelerated telomere shortening at older reproductive age are found to be risk factors for the birth of trisomy 21 Down syndrome.



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