Testosterone Misuse


Kaabia Zied


Testosterone is a key compound of the anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) family. It has largely been misused in human and animal doping targeting a muscle tissue growth and an enhancement of performances. Such practices constitute a violation against ethical values, food safety, and animal welfare. Consequently, the use of such substance is regulated by WADA and International committees for some animal species such as equine and bovine. Although efficient, the detection of testosterone misuse remains challenging in some cases due to its endogenous origin and its inter- and intra-individual level fluctuation in biological fluids. Novel analytical strategies have been developed and are continuously evolving in order to tackle this issue and to provide a better control of testosterone misuse.



Reference89 articles.

1. Heitzman RJ. The effectiveness of anabolic agents in increasing rate of growth in farm animals; report on experiments in cattle. Environmental Quality and Safety. 1976;5:89-98

2. Barceloux DG, Palmer RB. Anabolic—Androgenic steroids. Disease-a-Month. 2013;59:226-248

3. Brown S. Note on the effects produced on man by subcutaneous injections of a liquid obtained from the testicles of animals. The Lancet. 1889;134:105-107

4. Moran C, Quirke JF, Prendiville DJ, Bourke S, Roche JF. The effect of estradiol, trenbolone acetate, or zeranol on growth rate, mammary development, carcass traits, and plasma estradiol concentrations of beef heifers. Journal of Animal Science. 1991;69:4249-4258

5. Council Directive 96/22/EC of 29 April 1996 concerning the prohibition on the use in stockfarming of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic action and of ß-agonists, and repealing Directives 81/602/EEC, 88/146/EEC and 88/299/EEC








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