Medical Ethics


Yvonne Buowari Dabota,Kazeem Kanmodi Kehinde


Medical ethics is very important at this time of medicine due to the covid-19 pandemic which has caused a lot of mortality and morbidity world wide. Medical is important in guiding clinicians and other healthcare workers not to cause harm while caring out their duties. There are various aspects of medical ethics such as negligence, do not cause harm, beneficent and others. Not practicing medical ethics has caused some physicians to face litigation by their patients and clients and also face medical disciplinary boards. Some have even been suspended from medical practice for a number of months or years or even have their names struck off from the register of the licensing board of their country.



Reference81 articles.

1. Widjaja G, Sijabat HH. The importance of bioethics subject in healthcare education in Indonesia. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER). 2020, 2 (5), 21-26

2. Amer AB. Understanding the ethical theories in medical practice. Open Journal of Nursing. 2019, 9, 188-193

3. McKillip KM, Lott AD, Swetz KM. Respecting autonomy and promoting the patients good in the setting of serious terminal and concurrent mental illness. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2019, 92, 597-602

4. Varkey B. Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice. Medical Principles and Practice. 2020, doi.10.1159/000509119

5. World Health Organization. Global health ethics, key issues. Global network of the World Health Organization collaborating centres for bioethics. 2015,







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