Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pulse Sequence Selection for Optimal Time and Image Quality Enhancement


Amin Naima,Yousaf Muhammad


This study is a comparison of three commonly used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequences to examine the image quality of the pulse sequences at a short acquisition time. Two tissue-equivalent gels were created. While one gel is constructed of polysaccharide and agarose, the other is made of ferrous benzoic xylenol orange (FBX). FBX gel is exposed to a 25 Grey dosage of 6MV photons from a linear accelerator. Repetition time (TR) was used to conduct experimental modifications in imaging parameters. The quantitative analysis comprises the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Fast Spin Echo (FSE) and Fast Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) are most comparable in SNR at 1.5 Tesla for various TR values. Conventional Spin Echo (CSE) has a CNR that is 143% and 93% higher than FSE and FLAIR, respectively. The time difference between CSE and FSE is 6 minutes and 34 seconds, whereas CSE and FLAIR is 6 minutes and 43 seconds. FSE and FLAIR provide superior image quality with quicker acquisition, suitable for patients sensitive to longer scan durations. Meanwhile, CSE stands out, delivering significantly enhanced contrast and SNR in T2-weighted images compared to other MRI pulses.









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