Ultra-High Performance and Low-Cost Architecture of Discrete Wavelet Transforms


Chehaitly Mouhamad,Tabaa Mohamed,Monteiro Fabrice,Saadaoui Safa,Dandache Abbas


This work targets the challenging issue to produce high throughput and low-cost configurable architecture of Discrete wavelet transforms (DWT). More specifically, it proposes a new hardware architecture of the first and second generation of DWT using a modified multi-resolution tree. This approach is based on serializations and interleaving of data between different stages. The designed architecture is massively parallelized and sharing hardware between low-pass and high-pass filters in the wavelet transformation algorithm. Consequently, to process data in high speed and decrease hardware usage. The different steps of the post/pre-synthesis configurable algorithm are detailed in this paper. A modulization in VHDL at RTL level and implementation of the designed architecture on FPGA technology in a NexysVideo board (Artix 7 FPGA) are done in this work, where the performance, the configurability and the generic of our architecture are highly enhanced. The implementation results indicate that our proposed architectures provide a very high-speed data processing with low needed resources. As an example, with the parameters depth order equal 2, filter order equal 2, order quantization equal 5 and a parallel degree P = 16, we reach a bit rate around 3160 Mega samples per second with low used of logic elements (≈400) and logic registers (≈700).



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