In this chapter we present a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) code that is developed in Julia programming language customized for efficient electromagnetic simulation of microstrip circuits. Julia language has become popular in recent years for developing codes for scientific computing due to high-performance it can provide while being a dynamically typed language that supports interactive use like MATLAB or Python. The presented FDTD program is customized for faster simulation of microstrip circuits with lower memory requirements by employing an efficient form of FDTD updating equations, referred to as edge-length normalized formulation, as well as other simplifications that would make it sufficient to analyze single layer microstrip circuits and produce scattering parameters. We demonstrate how updating equations for fields, sources, and absorbing boundaries are modified to accommodate edge-length normalization, and how these equations are translated into a code in Julia. We then conclude the chapter with a presentation of some examples of circuits simulated with the presented code.