The Function of a Coffee Shop as a Social Cultural Entity


Hakim Maksud,Syahban Amir Ali


This book chapter aims to determine the process of changing the meaning of a coffee shop from traditional to modern, to find out the change in the meaning of a coffee shop as a space for socio-cultural entities, and to find out the change in the meaning of a coffee shop as an effective political tool. This book chapter uses a naturalistic (qualitative) paradigm approach to analyze and construct the change in the meaning of a coffee shop as a space for socio-cultural entities in the municipality of Makassar, South Sulawesi. The selection of this location is based on the consideration that Makassar Municipality is a large city that has a heterogeneous population. This book chapter shows that the change in the meaning of traditional coffee shops to modern coffee shops is characterized by simple facilities that develop into public spaces equipped with facilities and information such as television, newspapers, and internet networks to meet the needs and satisfaction of visitors. Coffee shops have become a socio-cultural entity. Coffee shops have been used as a means of political discussion and self-image, both formally and informally, socialization of work programs with political figures or authorities, and digging information effectively from visitors.



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