Paswan Kamlesh,Chattopadhyaya Somnath,Dube Anil
The preparation and characteristics of nanosheets mixed dielectric. Also, the machining performance is compared at different concentrations of nanosheets in the dielectric medium with conventional EDM. CTB and SDS surfactants are used for suspension and machining efficiency characterization. The addition of Nanosheets into deionized water improves the machining performance. It gives better results at 0.2g per 800ml deionized water. MRR improves by 21.27% at lower discharge energy and 114.28% at higher discharge energy. Surface roughness improves by 18% at lower discharge energy and higher spark gap. Using surfactants in the dielectric medium improves the suspension capability of nanosheets in the dielectric medium. However, it reduced the machining efficiency. A slight variation or negligible variation is observed in the density and viscosity of the dielectric medium after adding graphene nanosheets into it.