Adriana Caliman-Sturdza Olga,Cucu Andrei
Hydrocephalus is a frequent complication of tuberculous meningitis. We present the incidence of hydrocephalus in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis of the nervous system, the therapeutic possibilities and the evolution of these patients. A consensus definition for tuberculous meningitis (TBM) stratified the cases as definite, probable and possible. In various studies, radiological investigations (CT, MRI) can be normal in the initial stages of the disease in approximately 30% of cases, but they do not exclude the possibility of a TBM. The most common radiological changes found in TBM are communicating hydrocephalus (up to 80% of cases), increased basal contrast (50%), cerebral tuberculomas (30%) and cerebral infarcts (10–40%). MRI has been shown to be more sensitive than a CT scan for diagnosed TBM. Communicating hydrocephalus is among the short-term complications of TBM (approximately 80% of cases), being more frequent than non-communicating ones. In these cases, the need to perform a ventriculo-peritoneal unit must be taken into account. Long-term complications are cognitive impairment, epilepsy, stroke, hydrocephalus, myelitis, damage to the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland manifested by obesity, growth disorders and diabetes insipidus. Sequels may occur frequently in TBM such as dementia, epilepsy, neurological deficits, behavioral disorders, blindness and deafness.