The Dynamics of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) through Value Chain Analysis and Crop Accounting in Partido District, Camarines Sur, the Philippines


A. Onsay Emmanuel,C. Baltar Kevin,R. Galicia Eleanor,Ruzzel C. Pesino Ivan


This paper scrutinizes and evaluates the value chain of taro in Partido district, Camarines Sur, the Philippines. Taro (Colocasia Esculenta) is rich in carbohydrates and also a good replacement for wheat flour. However, it is well-known to farmers for its ability to produce a reasonable yield in poor soil conditions with less or no farm inputs. It is this reason why Taro is often grown by resource-limited farmers and regarded as a good source of food security. To tap its full potential, this study was conducted to understand and analyze the flow of Taro. This study employed participatory techniques, crop accounting, and financial analysis. The Taro value chain has varied gender roles, according to this study. It also highlighted why, despite having a choice, farmers frequently chose the less profitable transaction path. It also solved the mystery of low productivity in this locale as compared with the national production. The results also showed the cost build-up of Taro and the profitability of each player in the chain. Farmers usually end up at a 22% profit-to-cost ratio by selling the harvest to the middleman, while sellers usually end up at a 47% profit-to-cost ratio. The existing entry barriers in each chain were also identified with the researchers’ recommendations on how to possibly eliminate or mitigate them. This extensive analysis can be valuable to stakeholders in the Taro value chain in the area, as well as government entity and non-governmental organizations in developing initiatives or projects on behalf of the players.



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