The Diversity of Parvovirus Telomeres


Laugel Marianne,Lecomte Emilie,Ayuso Eduard,Adjali Oumeya,Mével Mathieu,Penaud-Budloo Magalie


Parvoviridae are small viruses composed of a 4–6 kb linear single-stranded DNA protected by an icosahedral capsid. The viral genes coding non-structural (NS), capsid, and accessory proteins are flanked by intriguing sequences, namely the telomeres. Telomeres are essential for parvovirus genome replication, encapsidation, and integration. Similar (homotelomeric) or different (heterotelomeric) at the two ends, they all contain imperfect palindromes that fold into hairpin structures. Up to 550 nucleotides in length, they harbor a wide variety of motifs and structures known to be recognized by host cell factors. Our study aims to comprehensively analyze parvovirus ends to better understand the role of these particular sequences in the virus life cycle. Forty Parvoviridae terminal repeats (TR) were publicly available in databases. The folding and specific DNA secondary structures, such as G4 and triplex, were systematically analyzed. A principal component analysis was carried out from the prediction data to determine variables signing parvovirus groups. A special focus will be put on adeno-associated virus (AAV) inverted terminal repeats (ITR), a member of the genus Dependoparvovirus used as vectors for gene therapy. This chapter highlights the diversity of the Parvoviridae telomeres regarding shape and secondary structures, providing information that could be relevant for virus-host interactions studies.









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