Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Multiple Implants in Esthetic Zone


Krishnamoorthi Divya


A new era in dentistry dawned when successfully osseointegrated implants were used to restore edentulous jaws by Branemark et al. This important discovery opened up avenues previously unimaginable in edentulous rehabilitation. The predictability and longevity of implant restoration have been irrevocably cemented in dentistry. Even with state-of-the-art technologies for implant planning and placement, the rehabilitation of the anterior maxilla has posed a particular problem because of the high esthetic demand and complex anatomy of the region. Since these two parameters vary highly in patients, a careful evaluation of the clinical scenario and comprehensive history-taking should precede meticulous treatment planning to ensure accurate diagnosis and successful treatment outcomes. Both fixed and removable options are available for the rehabilitation of the edentulous anterior maxilla. This chapter aims to compare these options and prosthetic designs with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment planning. A comprehensive checklist for easy decision-making regarding treatment planning will be presented.



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