Gregorio Hortelano-Capetillo Juan,Sergio Téllez-Martínez Jorge,Luis Zúñiga-Cerroblanco José,Saldaña-Robles Alberto,César González-Juárez Julio,Alberto González-Rodríguez Carlos
Currently, shell and tube heat exchangers comprise a group of equipment called profitable interest due to their usefulness in various industrial sectors. Its appropriate design is coupled to processes in a sustainable development scenario, mainly for use in laboratories or home services. The semi-analytical analysis of these complex systems currently allows for achieving temperature control objectives in the substances used, such as water, without detailed modeling of the hydrodynamics that develop due to the flow conditions. For this purpose, the development of computational tools that implement algorithms based on correlations for determining Nusselt numbers is proposed. Specifying key correlations that determine optimal operating conditions can be used to define process efficiency and contribute to the concept of net zero energy. Simultaneously, the transfer of thermal energy can continue in subprocesses, contributing to reuse and reducing the carbon footprint if the source of the energy comes from fuels or to efficiency if it comes from renewable energies.
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