Biomolecules Produced by Trichoderma Species as Eco-Friendly Alternative Suppressing Phytopathogens and Biofertilizer Enhancing Plant Growth


Reghmit Abdenaceur,Benzina-tihar Farida,Sahir-Halouane Fatma


Olive (Olea europeae L.) is one of the most important fruit trees of the Mediterranean regions. Biotic factors such as phytopathogenic diseases have a significant negative impact on olive productivity in the Mediterranean Basin including Algeria. Currently, phytopathogens management is focus mainly on the use of chemical pesticides which is not recommended because it leads to environmental pollution, development of chemical resistance, and its low cost-efficiency. Eco-friendly methods and alternative disease control measures such as the use of biocontrol agents and biofertilizer should be opted as alternatives to the use of synthetic chemicals. Trichoderma species associated with olive roots are known for their ability to produce antimicrobial compounds, such as antibiotics, volatile organic compounds and lytic enzymes that restrict phytopathogenic strain growth. Besides, they are considered as plant growth promoting fungi (PGPF). This genus colonize the root systems of plants and promote their growth; it can increase nutrient availability and uptake in plants by fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, producing several biomolecules and phytohormones. Moreover, it helps plants tolerate environmental stresses such as drought, salinity and diseases. In this work, we review pionnering and recent developments on several important biomolecules and functions that Trichoderma species isolated from olive rhizosphere soil exhibit to enhance plant growth and control phytopathogen diseases. Therefore, the use of highly competitive strains in open field in order to obtain consistent and better results in agricultural production activities.









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