Phytochemical Study and Biological Activities of Endemic Species of Vaccinium From French Polynesia


Benayad Sarah,Soulet Stéphanie,Teai Taivini


French Polynesia is a natural laboratory with over 53% of endemism in its vascular terrestrial flora. The flora remains little studied from a phytochemical point of view. In order to overcome this lack of knowledge, we were interested in an endemic taxon from the specie Vaccinium cereum, also named as “opu opu.” Four varieties of V. cereum are present in French Polynesia: var. adenandrum (Decne) F.Br, var. cereum (L.f.) G. Forst, var. pubiflorum Skottsb and var. raiateense M.L. Grant. All four showed comparable antioxidant and antiradical activities and inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase. Leaves of V. cereum var. cereum carry out a bio-guided phytochemical study. Among the isolated compounds, NMR has characterized ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, chlorogenic acid, astragalin, and isoquercitrin, as the major active compounds. The results revealed that this taxon represents a real health benefit and might have promising proprieties to regulate blood sugar.



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