Revolutionizing Dental Caries Diagnosis through Artificial Intelligence


Anil Sukumaran,Sudeep Krishnaa,Saratchandran Sudeep,K. Sweety Vishnupriya


The diagnosis and management of dental caries, a prevalent global oral health issue, have traditionally depended on clinical examination and the interpretation of radiographic images. However, with the rapid advancements in technology, the landscape of dental diagnostics is transforming. This chapter delves into the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on detecting and managing dental caries. Dental professionals can now achieve enhanced diagnostic accuracy by harnessing the power of machine learning algorithms and image recognition technologies, even identifying early-stage caries that conventional methods might overlook. The integration of AI into dentistry not only promises improved patient outcomes by facilitating timely interventions and streamlining clinical workflows, potentially redefining the future of oral healthcare. While the prospects are promising, it is imperative to concurrently address the challenges and ethical considerations accompanying AI-driven diagnostics to ensure that the technology augments, rather than supplants, the expertise of dental professionals. The chapter serves as a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI in dental caries diagnosis, its potential benefits, and the road ahead.



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