Mathematics Enrichment through Accelerated Learning to mitigate learning loss due to COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning


R. Asogwa Onyinye,D. Seals Cheryl,O. Tripp Lucretia,N. Nix Karen


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a social and economic disruption around the globe. This affected 90% of the world’s school children and caused the shutdown of schools in more than 190 countries; in the US, the school closure of K – 12 schools affected 55.1 million students in 124,000 public and private schools during the 2019–2020 academic year. This caused a transition to virtual/remote teaching and learning with little or no preparation for teachers and students. K-12 school enrollment dropped by 2.9 million from 2019 to 2020, widening pre-existing disparities in access and technological opportunities. Students in high-poverty schools were hit hardest in areas of math and reading. Black and Latino students lost 6 months in math compared to their counterparts. This has resulted in a lot of “unfinished learning” from the past years. The latest NAEP results show that on average, nationwide math and reading scores for thirteen-year-olds are the lowest in decades. Due to the pandemic, today’s students may earn $49,000 to $61,000 less over their lifetime when they enter the workforce, and this could cost the US economy $128 billion to $188 billion every year especially because they lack the skills, behaviors, and mindset to succeed in their workplaces.



Reference64 articles.

1. Al-Samarrai, S., M. Gangwar and P. Gala. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Financing, World Bank, Washington, DC. 2020. Available from: [Accessed: March 13, 2023]

2. OECD (2022). Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, 10.1787/3197152b-en [Accessed: March 13, 2023]

3. World Economic Forum. Here’s How COVID-19 Affected Education – and How We Can Get Children’s Learning Back on Track.Available from: [Accessed: March 15, 2023]

4. Hoofman J, Secord E. The effect of COVID-19 on education. Pediatric Clinics. 2021;(5):1071-1079

5. The Economist. How COVID-19 is Inspiring Education Reform. Available from: [Accessed: March 20, 2023]







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