Mass Media, Social Networks, and Eating Disorders: Image, Perfection, and Death


José Labora González Juan


Eating disorders are complex and have multiple causes, which may be genetic, biological, or psychological. Social factors are also relevant. In today’s societies, mass media and social networks play a fundamental role, acting as risk factors for eating disorders. This chapter analyzes the concept of image, differentiating between certain concepts such as reality, perception, and image. Image and self-image are difficult to differentiate and do not always coincide with the body object; one’s self-image may deteriorate to the point that it no longer coincides with the actual body. The mass media may serve as an instrument for the creation of reality. The images of women that are portrayed, especially in the media, tend to be based on sexist stereotypes that saturate social networks, video games, and movies. Currently, pro-ana and pro-mia websites promote identities based on unhealthy diets, exercise, and purgative practices. Therefore, pro-eating disorder socialization exists on Twitter and thinspiration image share is found on Instagram and other social networks.



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