Sato Takashi,Shimosato Takeshi
Currently, inhaled therapy using corticosteroids and/or bronchodilators is the major established treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The topic to be covered in this chapter is the recently developed experimental approach using biologically active molecules secreted by the live genetically modified lactic acid bacteria (gmLAB). The strategy to use gmLAB as a therapeutic/delivering tool targeting disease-specific active molecules/cites is proceeding. The role of inflammation and oxidative stress in COPD development is a valid target point. Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidative stress molecule has been examined to attenuate the lung function decline and inflammation in the murine model of COPD. Recently, HO-1-secreting gmLAB as a tool for targeting inflammatory diseases has been developed and examined in several disease models including COPD. When administered intratracheally, the gmLAB showed migration to the peripheral lung and overexpression of anti-inflammatory/oxidative HO-1 in both lung and serum, protecting the lung from COPD development.