Titanium-Based Alloys with High-Performance: Design and Development


Krishna Ram


In recent years, titanium alloys with better properties have become increasingly popular. Their composition must be precisely designed to meet these demands. Screening alloy properties such as corrosion resistance, specific strength, properties to service at high temperatures, and microstructural stability requires a fair amount of effort and money to accomplish. By taking titanium-based alloys as an example, this chapter reviews the use of high-performance alloy design and development approach for industrial applications, in order to simplify the selection of titanium alloy compositions. The different high-throughput alloy design methods have been used by researchers to calculate diffusion coefficients of multiple elements using a thermodynamic database of atomic mobility. A composition with comprehensively optimal properties is selected by applying a rigorous screening criterion and then evaluating it in an experimental setting in order to come up with an optimal composition. Comparing this strategy with the data-driven material design methods that have been developed in recent times, few methods are more accurate and efficient, mainly because the diffusion pairs, the atomic mobility databases, and the refined physical models work together to make this strategy the most accurate and efficient. This approach could help develop high-performance titanium alloys, to overcome challenges of developing titanium alloys.










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