Calculations of Flows with deflagration appearance in channels with obstacles


Martyushov Sergey


Many researches devoted to deflagration appearance in hydrogen-air mixes and transition it to detonation. This is connected with the problem of detonation hydrogen engine construction. A new way of detonation engine construction connected with using different fuel mixes: CO + H2 or kerosene-hydrogen mixes. In these cases, it seems to be preferable for mathematical modeling to use fool system of reactions for all components and radicals. Using of fool system of kinetic equation allows one to determine moment of deflagration initiation and transition it to detonation. In laboratory experiments deflagration initiation appears as a result of energy and temperature grows by successive triggering of electric discharges or near obstacles in channels. In many papers numerically investigated flows of reactive gas mixes in channels with obstacles or initiation of deflagration via hot spot as a model to electric discharges. In this chapter numerically investigated flows of reactive gas mixes in channels with obstacles with the purpose to define conditions of deflagration initiation.



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