Harvesting in Progress: The Crucial Role of Genetically Improved Crops in Latin America


Xoconostle-Cázares Beatriz,Claret Triana Vidal Laura,Guadalupe Domínguez-Fernández Yoatzin,Obando-González Rosa,Padilla-Viveros América,Ruiz-Medrano Roberto


Crop genetic improvement in Latin America is necessary to address the region’s agricultural challenges and to enhance food security. The use of advanced biotechnological techniques, such as genetic engineering and molecular breeding, should enable the development of crops with improved traits tailored to the unique agroecological conditions prevalent in the region, similar to the observed impact of improved germplasm in leading countries using transgenic or edited plants. Research has focused on enhancing key agricultural traits, including tolerance to abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity, resistance to pests, and herbicide resistance. However, other modifications designed to cope with emergent diseases and increase in nutritional content key nutrients such as vitamins and proteins should be addressed. Despite the benefits of genetic improvement, challenges, such as public perception, heavy regulatory frameworks, and a deficient communication on the benefits of these technologies, persist. Collaborative efforts among scientists, policymakers, and the public are essential to overcome these challenges. Through the application of innovative biotechnological tools, scientists are crafting crops with enhanced biotic and abiotic resistance, productivity, and nutritional value. As Latin America continues to grapple with the complexities of a changing climate and the imperative to feed a growing population, genetic improvement stands as a crucial ally in the pursuit of a sustainable and resilient agriculture.



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