Rozi Fachrur,Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth Dian,Adri Adri,Yardha Yardha,Firdaus Firdaus,Rina Darsani Yanti
Globalization can accelerate development while, at the same time, negatively impacting nations that are not ready. Globalization benefits rural communities organizing the citizens’ life order systematically. Exploiting land use to fulfill human needs is a result of globalization’s effects on economic activity. Agricultural and industrial sectors must increase production reasonably and suitably. There is a gray area of needs due to the dependency on the land resources use, which causes rivalry in procuring production inputs for each sector and has a significant effect on the agricultural industry. Transformation of human, environmental, financial, and institutional resources for rural agriculture by implementing effective and efficient agricultural modernization will reduce globalization’s negative effects. Smart farming applies modern technology to agriculture in order to achieve more productive and sustainable agricultural production. Agricultural land intensifi¬cation initiatives must be improved through the best use of technological innovation and agricultural infrastructure. Competition for resource utilization causes changes or decreases in land resources quality, which can be anticipated by technological capacities and capabilities, and adaptive capacity to innovations. Unhealthy competition must be eliminated, even these sectors will help each other because of government policy instruments so that the goal of rural sustainable agricultural growth will be achieved.
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