Destruction and threats to coastal mangrove ecosystems have been a perennial problem for policy-makers in Guyana. The problem is due in part to the erosion cycles, spontaneous infrastructure development and environmental degradation. To address these multiple issues, the National Mangrove Project Office employed several different strategies, including public awareness programmes. Despite the efforts, the issues continue to plague the country. The aim of this paper was to illustrate the efficacy of zoning and regionalization for combating the problems associated with mangrove ecosystem degradation at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. A survey of the literature and analysis of selected documents were done and ArcGIS Pro and remote sensing were applied to the case study. The results showed that while efforts could undoubtedly have a positive impact on mangroves at Mon Repos in terms of sustaining ecosystem services, facilitating livelihood opportunities and addressing the waste management issue, the effectiveness of such actions is likely to be impeded by the lack of real-time data. To adequately address these issues, the collection and use of more accurate and up-to-date scientific from the application of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing and implementation of a multiple-use conservation zoning plan are among the strategies recommended for implementation.