Chianchitlert Ann,Selvido Diane,Sirisoontorn Irin,Prakash Bhattarai Bishwa,Rokaya Dinesh,Wongsirichat Natthamet
Impacted permanent tooth can occur on any tooth in the dental arch. The incidence of retention and impaction of the second molar lies between 0 and 2.3%. It is infrequently found in normal dental patients because most of the second molar impactions are asymptomatic. However, it is a common occurrence in orthodontic practice. The impacted second molar may provoke many pathologic disorders to the adjacent and opposite teeth, eventually malocclusions. There are many treatment modalities in facilitating the eruption of the second molar impaction. Early diagnosis and early treatment are crucial for the successful treatment of mandibular second molar impaction. This article presents an overview of various treatment modalities for an impacted second molar.