Perspective Chapter: Rationale, Implementation and Effectiveness of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Malaria Control, Prevention and Elimination Program, 2015–2030 – A Progress Report


Yamada Homi,Linh Luu Bao,Hoang Ngoc Tran Nu,Mac Luan Nguyen Vo,Khanh Vy Nguyen Huynh,Trang Dang Thu,Thu Nguyen Anh,Quan Nguyen Khoi,Taylor-Robinson Andrew W.


Malaria is a potentially fatal infectious disease that poses a persistent global public health threat. The vast majority of mortality and morbidity in humans is the consequence of infection with either of two species of Plasmodium parasite, P. falciparum and P. vivax, that invade red blood cells. Transmission of these microscopic pathogens occurs via the bite of infectious female Anopheles spp. mosquitoes in tropical regions, including those neighboring the Mekong River. In response to widespread resistance to the first-line antimalarial drug artemisinin in Southeast Asia, in 2017 the World Health Organization launched the Mekong Malaria Elimination Program, aiming to coordinate and advance the six Greater Mekong Subregion countries towards malaria-free status by 2030. Vietnam has been particularly visionary, as long ago as 1991 implementing the National Malaria Control and Elimination Program to address the chronic burden of malaria outbreaks in the country’ southwest corner. Over time, epidemiological factors such as geography, socioeconomic status, and demographics have significantly influenced the stratification of malaria in the Mekong Delta. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive critical evaluation of the efficacy of the ongoing program by comparing national and regional perspectives. Over the past decade, Vietnam’s national program has demonstrated significant progress in achieving the globally established goals for malaria eradication. However, persistent challenges related to resource allocation, staffing by trained personnel, and financial support highlight the need for further improvement if the ambitious 2030 target of malaria elimination is to be met.



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