Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure usually performed by a specialist for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in the airway passages. There are two main types of procedure: rigid and flexible bronchoscopy, in addition to developed types such as ultrasound and navigational bronchoscopy to help improve the required outcome. There are several indications for bronchoscopy, but the leading one is suspicion of lung cancer, followed by detection of possible pulmonary infection. On the other hand, hypoxia is the main contraindication for his operation. A precise clinical history of the patient should be taken and multiple tests should be provided before the procedure. Sampling can be done in different ways depending on the indication. Overall, bronchoscopy is a minimum invasive procedure and complications are uncommon, especially for highly experienced doctors. However, patients with chronic pulmonary disorders such as COPD patients must be handled cautiously, especially when treated under sedation and those who have exacerbations.