Assessment of Employees’ Group Behavior, Interpersonal Influence, and Stress Management Strategies


Yesuf Nassir-Maru


This study was conducted in south Ethiopia, “Sidama” region, “Aleta Wendo” city administration, on employees working in infrastructure and cluster institutions directorate (ICID) and on members of the Solomon metal and wood-work micro-scale enterprise (SMWM-SE). The general objective of the study was to assess employees’ group behavior, conflict resolution styles they practices, types of power they are applying, and stress management strategies they are practicing in one governmental office and in one private enterprise association. A cross-sectional design with a mixed approach was applied to the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the sample. The study area was selected purposefully by the researcher for its convenience to conduct the study. Semi-structured interview guide questions developed by the researcher and a self-administered questionnaire adapted to collect the data. The result of the study was organized and presented based on the four categories: employee group behavior, conflict resolution styles, types of power, and stress management strategies.



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