Aramide Sanusi Fasilat,Kaur Johl Satirenjit
Information system has become a strategic tool for business organization, its wide usage and acceptance has increased the flexibility of commercial activities and business sustainability. The use of internet technology has also promoted business networking, information sharing, knowledge acquisition, and prompt decision-making. Meanwhile, efficiency of IS is anchored on the commitment and support of top management in terms of policy and strategy formulation. This paper analyses the impact of top management commitment and support on IS risk management implementation in the business sector. The study employed a narrative method of literature review that critically analyzed the importance of top management commitment and support on information system risk management implementation within the business organization. Relevant information was obtained from Scopus, Web of Science, Research Gate and google scholar. It was found that IS improves task efficiency through effective communication and job automation. Therefore, organizations need to control and prevent the possibility of IS risk occurrence in their operations to promote competitive advantage and sustainable performance. Hence, and it is the responsibility of executive arm of organization to guide, direct, and control IS risk management implementation for performance advantage.