Wilson Disease (WD) is a genetic metabolic disease of copper metabolism. The implicated gene is ATP7B, encodes a P-type ATPase which transports copper. The resultant defective metabolism of copper results in copper accumulation in multiple tissues especially liver, eye and central nervous system. WD occurs worldwide, usually between 5 and 35 years; a wider age range is also reported. Clinical presentations are diverse and include combinations of hepatic, neurological, ophthalmic and psychiatric manifestations. Other organs or tissues may also be affected. Biochemical abnormalities such as serum ceruloplasmin and 24-h urinary copper excretion are important for the diagnosis but are not always abnormal in WD. The liver histopathology has several different patterns from mild nonspecific changes to acute fulminant hepatitis and cirrhosis. Copper histochemistry is helpful in diagnosis. Genetic testing is another diagnostic tool. It is important to diagnose WD because it is fatal when overlooked, curable when diagnosed. The diagnosis should be keep in mind at all ages in patients with hepatic disease, neurological disease, or psychiatric symptoms.