Vocational Training in German-speaking Countries


Vujkov Ana


Many countries in Europe and in the whole world, are trying to find ways to improve their vocational training systems. Many of them are looking up to German-speaking countries, such as Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Vocational training systems in these countries have been an example of good practice for many years now. With its roots in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, vocational training in these countries still keeps the economy stable and unemployment rates low. However, every system has its flaws and these systems have often been criticized. The aim of this article is to give an overview of vocational training systems in the three biggest German-speaking countries in the world, all the way from its historical roots, up to modern days, including its strengths and weaknesses. It will also be highlighted how important these systems for the countries are and how they should be improved, in order to keep the quality and to adapt to new challenges.



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