Inter Arm Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Risk in Young Adults at Ellisras


Sebati Betty,Monyeki Kotsedi,Siweya Hlengani,Monyeki Susan


Cardiovascular disease is a notable cause of death globally. When undetected, varying measurements of BP between arms can lead to inaccuracies in the interpretation and management of blood pressure consequently putting individuals in an avoidable risk through sub-optimal blood pressure control. The aim of the study was to determine the difference in blood pressure between the arms and its association to cardiovascular risk in young adults at Ellisras. A total of 624 young adults aged 18 to 29 years old participated in the study. Blood pressure measurements and blood analysis were done according to standard procedures. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the association between interarm blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors. There was significant (p ≤ 0.05) mean difference of diastolic blood pressure of the <10 mmHg and ≥ 10 mmHg groups. There was a positive significant association between systolic inter arm blood pressure difference and hypertension (B = 5.331; 95%CI = 12.260–23.183; P = 0.026) while no significant association was found between diastolic blood pressure and interarm diastolic differences in diastolic blood pressure (B = 1.081; 95%CI = 1.032–1.131; P = 0.920). The current study showed positive associations between inter arm differences and a few cardiovascular risk factors including BMI and gender. Detection of an interarm BP difference should motivate the need for a thorough cardiovascular/health assessment.



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