Potential Liquid Fertilizer Made from Goat Feces to Improve Vegetable Product


Sunaryo Yacobus,Theresia Darini Maria,Ratri Cahyani Vita,Purnomo Djoko


This study was carried out to examine the production of liquid fertilizer made from goat feces (LFGF) as well as the potency of LFGF for increasing plant growth and yield of vegetables. The study was conducted through 3 studies. The first study was begun with compiling a formulation for LFGF. The selected-raw-material was goat feces added with sugar and ZA, as well as EM (Lactobacillus sp., Actinomycetes sp., Streptomyces sp. and Yeast). The experimental results indicated that an increase in the concentration of ZA resulted in an increase in the total N and S content, as well as an increase EC of LFGF. Increased sugar concentration results in a decrease in pH and an increase in lactic acid content, whereas an increase in ZA decreases the formation of acetic acid. The use of sugar 25 g L−1 water and ZA 50 g L−1 water could produce the best quality of LFGF. The second study was to examine the selected LFGF combined with AB-Mix nutrient solution on the growth and yield of three types of leaf vegetables which were cultivated hydroponically. The results indicated that LFGF can potentially replace AB-Mix fertilizer by up to 50% in hydroponic vegetable cultivation. The third study was to examine the selected LFGF as nutrients availability of mustard that was cultivated in pots, given through planting media with a concentration of 1:40 L−1 water (EC 2300 μS cm−1). It shows that LFGF has the potential to increase the growth and yield of mustard plants in pots.



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