Erhabor Osaro,Charles Adias Teddy,Erhabor Tosan,Mgbere Osaro,Usman Sadiya,Nonye Egenti Bibiana
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major public health challenge. It is a common cause of acute and chronic illness and death, which results from a single amino acid substitution (glutamic acid to valine) at position 6 of the beta (β) chain of the hemoglobin molecule. The pathophysiology is based on the polymerization of deoxygenated hemoglobin S (HbS) and production of irreversibly sickled red cells and vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). The disease is associated with recurrent episodes of acute pain and organ damage. This chapter highlights the role of SES on the predisposition to VOC and mortality among SCD patients. Findings from this review will enable the development and implementation of policies that can facilitate the effective management of SCD in the region. More awareness and education of parents of children and adults living with SCD are needed to identify factors that predispose patients to VOC and common-sense measures to prevent these triggers. SCD patients should be protected against malaria. The need for nutritional intervention, proper hydration, avoidance of dietary intake of sodium, strenuous physical activity, and extreme weather to reduce the incidence of VOC cannot be overemphasized. Protective immunization and access to effective prophylactic and therapeutic agents should be implemented.