Local Development Model as an Element of Regional Sustainable Strategy


Adamowicz Mieczysław


Regions constitute key elements of the territorial structure of any country. Internal differences in regions permit to distinguish subregional and local units in them, where economic and social activities are undertaken. Despite the internationalisation and globalisation processes, the importance of local development concept is growing. There are several factors influencing the growing role of local units in socio-economic development of regions. In many countries, local communities have a great autonomy in creating local development strategies and policies. Local endogenic strategies and policies create an important complementary activity to sustainable regional planning. The aim of the work is to present a theoretical background of the local economy and local development. Using the subject literature, the theoretical concepts, definitions and the results of local development were presented. Selected models and paradigms of local development as well as interrelations between dimensions of local sustainability and links with regional planning were presented and discussed as well.



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