Perspective Chapter: Enhancing Student Teachers’ Professional Development through Active Learning


Skrefsrud Thor-André


As a contrast to traditional approaches to learning, this chapter explores two examples of active learning conducted with student teachers in Norway. In the first example, the chapter reports from a case study on student teachers’ engagement with the Scandinavian Romani exhibit at a local museum. For this example, the chapter discusses student teachers’ possibilities for developing a critical consciousness through immersive experiences. In the second example, the chapter presents and discusses a project using virtual reality (VR) technology designed to build student teachers’ capacity for their future professional role in schools. For this example, the chapter addresses the development of student teachers’ awareness of their own professionality and their active role in home-school cooperation. In both examples, the chapter draws attention to the leading role of the teacher educator, who actively facilitates a collaborative, interactive, and participatory learning environment. Theoretically, the chapter elaborates on student-centered learning from the perspectives of John Dewey and Paulo Freire, underlining the significance of active engagement and critical reflections.



Reference33 articles.

1. Vygotsky L. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1980. p. 176

2. Faldet A-C, Skrefsrud T-A, Somby HM. Exploring the pedagogical potential of virtual reality simulations for pre-service teachers from a Vygotskyan perspective. Digital Culture & Education. 2021;13:67-80. Available from:

3. Bergmann J, Sams A. Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Class Every Day. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education; 2012. p. 112

4. Freire P. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York, NY: Continuum; 2005. p. 183

5. Shor I, Freire P. A Pedagogy for Liberation: Dialogues on Transforming Education. New York, NY: Bergin and Garvey; 1987. p. 203







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