Suicidal Ideation, Socioemotional Disorders and Coping Strategies in Medical Students


Daniel Domínguez-González Alejandro


Suicide is a serious public health problem whose causes are biological, psychological, social, and cultural, factors that are mostly preventable if they are known and treated on time. In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, the university population is vulnerable to developing emotional disorders. Among them, medical students are the ones who present higher levels of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. In this essay, we analyze the prevalence of emotional disorders and suicidal ideation in medical students at our university and expose the efforts made to transform some psycho-emotional determinants by providing students with coping skills and strategies that allow them to manage their emotions and generate effective support networks among the student community, to increase the individual well-being and reduce the incidence of suicidal behavior.



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