Pleural Effusion Secondary to Multiple Myeloma. Is Daratumumab an Effective Treatment? A Case Report


Plazzo Giulia,Aprile Lara,Cecere Giacomo,Pier Gagliardi Vito,Maggi Alessandro,Prudenzano Antonella,Mazza Patrizio


Extramedullary Plasmacytoma (EM) disease is an aggressive presentation at diagnosis and relapse for multiple myeloma (MM) patients. EM plasmacytoma is divided into two groups: the first group comprises tumors that are extending directly from osteolytic bone lesions while the second results from plasmacytoma infiltration into soft tissues, with no relationship to the bone. Despite new therapies and monoclonal antibodies the survival for patients with EM plasmocytoma is poor. The involvement pleural is uncommon in Multiple Myeloma.



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