Cognitive Hypnotherapy


Brooker Elizabeth


Cognitive hypnotherapy (CH) is an assimilative therapy rooted in cognitive therapy and behavioural therapy, with the addition of hypnosis. It is a psychodynamic therapy that focuses on the unconscious mind (implicit thoughts, actions and emotions) no longer in conscious awareness. This chapter gives a brief synopsis of the hypnotic procedures and protocols that are most pertinent for understanding the case for integration. It gives the background of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and a brief history of how this therapy evolved. It further gives the rationale for the integration of hypnosis with CBT, corroborated with evidence from the literature. CH treatments are documented in some detail in a number of different domains where hypnosis is used as an adjunct to therapy for the treatment of debilitating psychological conditions. The techniques and procedures are designed to desensitise and reprocess dysfunctional cognitions, emotions and memories enabling positive change in cognitive perceptions and visualisation. The author, an academic and experienced clinical practitioner of CH for more than 10 years, recognises that there is much scepticism regarding this therapy. It is hoped that this review will give greater understanding and more credence to this highly effective therapy in both the scientific community and medical profession.



Reference70 articles.

1. Alladin A. Cognitive hypnotherapy with depression. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly. 1994;8(4):275-288

2. Barnett EA. Analytical Hypnotherapy: Principles and Practice. Glendale, CA: Westwood Publishing; 1989

3. Tebbetts C. Self-Hypnosis and Other Mind–Expanding Techniques. Glendale, CA: Westwood Publishing Company; 1987

4. Rossi EL, Cheek DB. Mind-Body Therapy: Methods of Ideodynamic Healing in Hypnosis. New York: W. W. Norton; 1994

5. Kazdin AE. Integration of psychodynamic and behavioural psychotherapies: Conceptual versus empirical synthesis. In: Arkowitz H, Messer SB, editors. Psychoanalytic Therapy and Behavior Therapy: Is Integration Possible? New York: Plenum; 1984. pp. 139-170

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